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My permissions still need to be changed to Verified Builder+, can an admin or moderator meet me on I…
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  •  · What time do you play? I've made changes/updated your permissions. Let me know if you can log on co…
  •  ·  1046
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When I clicked the ManOfTeal servers and when it loaded all it did was send me back to the main star…
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  •  · Wait there’s expansion packs?
  •  ·  519
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i cant get into any of the servers because when it say its completely loaded it disconnects me from …
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  •  · You may need the expansion packs to play.
changed a profile cover
  • I'd love to go there!


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    added a discussion

    My permissions still need to be changed to Verified Builder+, can an admin or moderator meet me on Induction Server 0.

    • What time do you play? I've made changes/updated your permissions.

      Let me know if you can log on correctly.

      0 0 0 0 0 0
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      I have changed my name from Breezeway101 to Sonicfan2003 and i need someone to change my group to Verified + in game

      • It should be done. Let me know if not.

        0 0 0 0 0 0
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        the servers work now yay!


        added a discussion

        When I clicked the ManOfTeal servers and when it loaded all it did was send me back to the main start screen, I don't know if its a server problem or a OpenRCT2 proble

        • Wait there’s expansion packs?

          0 0 0 0 0 0
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          When i click join the ManOfTeal server it sends me back to the main start screen when the loading of the sever is finished i don't know if thats a OpenRCT2 problem.

          • That may have been an issue on your end, I've not had any other reports. You might get faster response to issues like this on the chat system.

            0 0 0 0 0 0
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            I would destroy a ride when the intense level is extreme or ultra-extreme
            Here are two recreations from my home Cedar Fair park Dorney Park they are the Little Laser and the Laser i have rode the Little Laser when I was like 4 or 5 Years old but now i'm 13 years old and it has been ever since when both of these rides closed in 2008 but i haven't got to ride the Laser because i was not at the height requirements but i wish they kept them there.
            Nice albums SimFox and RVNX
            Here is some screenshots of my Switchback that i made in my test park
            Does anyone know the port number to start a server
            The severs that i try to go into the game says that i am disconnected
            from the server
            My Posts
            Man Of Teal Points

            Bronze Member