60trainhunter 60trainhunter_Alt

  • 1928
MoT Building
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Verified +
I have played Roller Coaster Tycoon Since it came out for Windows 95 and now have all 3 games.
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My Discussions
  •  ·  864
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         This rule has been updated starting now rides MUST START GETTING TAGGED or else your RIDES …
  •  ·  703
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MAP change for server 0 MOT Game of Thrones map is now UP!
  •  ·  846
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at EVERYONE start name tagging your rides or else. that ride you made may disappear along with the s…

hi there i have changed my name from Breezeway101 to Sonicfan2003 and i was verified builder+ and i was wondering if you can change it to verified builder+.

pyuprganmrvca3x5f8cnsarw2ztvxzsa.png         This rule has been updated starting now rides MUST START GETTING TAGGED or else your RIDES WILL GET REMOVED within 2 to 4 days!! There has been too many untagged rides lately. Rides will begin disappearing if you guys do not name tag your rides!

  • Rule 10: All users are required to put your name on your rides and coasters. NOW includes flat rides such as thrill and gentle rides! Includes name tagging your track merges and rides used as scenery! Example: "Haunted Manor (disembodiedsoul)".  Rides NOT tagged will get deleted within 2 to 4 days!


MAP change for server 0 MOT Game of Thrones map is now UP!

With ALL 70 RIDES and ATTRACTIONS! Including the most insane coasters Viper Thunderlooper and Purple Peril. With all the default staff too! Time taken 5 days! smile

  • I wish more members would upload their creations. 

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    at EVERYONE start name tagging your rides or else. that ride you made may disappear along with the scenery! This includes flat rides like merry go rounds and twists. and all of your track merging pieces too! we admins will looking out for those rides. The rides with no name will get a 2 to 4 day warning.

    This was on Earth Park map recently.
    I'll make some build post for my admin. This is Magic Quarters.
    • RCT2 Factory Capers Remake on svr 1 COMPLETE! Magic Quarters
      0 0 0 0 0 0
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      you want me 2 visit server 1
      Nice work!!
      • Yes that is pretty awesome.

        0 0 0 0 0 0
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        visit server 1 today