Featured MoT Albums

Fox Album

A collection of works made by me throughout my RCT2 time.

Red Rock Canyon - Induction Server - 17/08/2019

Welcome all to Red Rock Canyon!Been a weeklong graft but it's finally open and ready to explored.9 attractions, names and placements are as follows:  Sidewinder, a 'Mine Train Coaster' that meanders back and forth between red mesa rock formations.  Old Coot's Cabin, a 'Crooked House' isolated away in one corner, just as he'd prefer to be.  Rodeo Roundup, a 'Rounded Up' situated in the middle of the Corral.  Bumper Car Barn, a 'Dodgems' hidden within the confines of the barn.  Wagon Wheel, a 'Ferris Wheel' just behind the town.  Totem, a 'Drop Tower' found deep in the Indian reserve.  Shootout Saloon, a 'Laser Tag' hidden withing the Saloon itself.  The Manor, a spooky old 'Haunted House' sat

Fox Album

A collection of works made by me throughout my RCT2 time.

Rome & Egypt - MoT Server 0 (23/02/18)

Way back when in early 2017, I built a small Ancient Rome themed area on one of MoT's servers. I decided to screenshot it due to the effort I put into my Circus Maximus-esque Go-Carts.  Since Server 0 reset to a grid format, I decided to bring this relic from the past back at build upon it. I started with the 'Circuit Maximus' (Clever pun name is clever!) and developed what I'm most proud of in this particular build, the Colosseum. This was the first time I extensively used the tile inspector after finally realising it's potential, so I'm very pleased with the result. After That I simply did what I do and grafted away at a Roman forum, and a Nile to separate the area before building a Great
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Updated Albums

Old MoT Save doesn't work on modern versions

I tried to load a random auto-save from 4 years back and this was the result. One of the wooden coasters that appears at the bottom left corner is one of my own coasters.

Red Rock Canyon - Induction Server - 17/08/2019

Welcome all to Red Rock Canyon!Been a weeklong graft but it's finally open and ready to explored.9 attractions, names and placements are as follows:  Sidewinder, a 'Mine Train Coaster' that meanders back and forth between red mesa rock formations.  Old Coot's Cabin, a 'Crooked House' isolated away in one corner, just as he'd prefer to be.  Rodeo Roundup, a 'Rounded Up' situated in the middle of the Corral.  Bumper Car Barn, a 'Dodgems' hidden within the confines of the barn.  Wagon Wheel, a 'Ferris Wheel' just behind the town.  Totem, a 'Drop Tower' found deep in the Indian reserve.  Shootout Saloon, a 'Laser Tag' hidden withing the Saloon itself.  The Manor, a spooky old 'Haunted House' sat

Showcasing my 'Make Your Own - Six Flags'

So as some of you may already know, MOT is my first MP experience...I've spent decades now building in singleplayer career mode and making my own scenarios too. Here is one project I've been working on, from the 'Make Your Own - Six Flags' where the goals have been changed into a sandbox.   No cheats or trainers, just the vanilla game plus DLC! Bear in mind its still a WIP so many scenery items including greenery are yet to be placed!   If I can figure out how to, I will include the game file too if you wish to have a closer look!

Fox Album

A collection of works made by me throughout my RCT2 time.