
  • 964

Deny_8  I see you recently visited here. Do you still play MP on any servers?

added an album

A few standard maps I turned into something pretty.

added an album

These are all builds I did on the regular MoT Servers

And another coaster (called "Hawkeye") on the MoT server. Right next to my previously build dueling coaster.
My latest project on the MoT 1 server. A duelling mega coaster called "Explode" and "Blast". As you can see on one of the screenshots, there are two flat rides within the building.
  • Please post more great pictures!
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    Hi, the maps are changed when full or people ask for them to change.
    • Ah okay, thanks
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      Hi, how about building on the realistic server? Fantastic work you submitted.
      • Thanks, I'd love to
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        Second Build (Hill Havoc) on one of the MoT servers
        Pleasure Pier. The best part of a park I build a year ago.
        Dusty Greens. The second quarter is a jungle theme with mostly intense rides.
        Dusty Greens. This park is made out of four quarters and I'm trying to give each quarter another theme. The first one is a wild/west theme.
        First Build (Mind Control) on one of the MoT servers