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Hi all!

I've recently created an account here a few days ago. Prior to doing so, I was able to join any of the servers, as a guest. Enough interest was gained so I went ahead and made a profile. After updating the OPENRCT2 client, as I check on the website before I play every time, I am unable to join any server. I know I was assigned Server 0, but every time I try, I get a disconnect error message. I've managed to jump on other servers not hosted by ya'll no problem. It's yours specifically that I am having issues with. Any ideas on what the issue is? 


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Replies (2)
  • I too updated and have the same insta-disconnect issue. I could blame desyncs but there's a prevention in place for such conflicts. Willing to port foward a solution cause God forbid I host a server there's any testers around. Anyways.... I'm uppity and would like to get entry soon.

    0 0 0 0 0 0
    • If you're talking about the small red message, I managed to get past it by clicking on the server a bunch of times.

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      You're not logged in, guest can't 'Comments Post'.
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